Welcome to Oshun Center for Intercultural Healing

Healing & birthing in the ways of our ancestors -- informed by science, social justice & our future

Who are we?

We are a public education space for healing & birthing in the ways of our ancestors, informed by a mindful relationship with science, social justice and the future.

We're committed to authentically learning and integrating across healing traditions including Western, Eastern, Indigenous African and American cultural medicines as they relate to the physical body, mind, and spirit, including the womb, hormones and reproductive justice. 

We feature the teachings, resources, and health needs unique to black, indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC), queer and trans, women and femmes, in order to supplement what is often missing in medical institutions and training. 

Why should you join?

To learn integrative health concepts and theories, explore the historical medicines of your own ancestors, and understand wellness better from an intersectional perspective - birthing and dying, physical and spiritual health, past, present, and future. We look at whole-soul health, in our social and natural ecosystems, and including our womb spaces and creation centers -- which are present in every person born from a womb!

We also will discuss safety, contraindications, evidence-based care and research, and ethical considerations including how to avoid culturally appropriating in your wellness practice.

Who is Oshun?

Oshun is a Black Goddess - a Yoruba spirit said to watch over the "sweet waters" of streams and rivers. She represents abundance and pleasure, wears gold, and laughs and feels deeply. Her nervous system is rested and nourished, her boundaries are held fiercely as well as with love, and her womb space, a fertile hand that draws possibility out from dark places.

This learning community is dedicated to Oshun as an archetype and energy present in us all, as a foundation for healing, healthy caregiving to others, and sustainable activism to create the world we want to live in.